Why Balanced?

As we get closer to the grand opening of the new Balanced Physical Therapy & Pilates, we want to share with you - our loyal clients - our backstory and the “why” behind what we do.

Balanced Physical Therapy evolved from a need.

The vision of Balanced started many years ago, with wanting to develop a wellness space. A space that does not fix a small problem, but rather a space that helps develop a whole person. 

The typical insurance-based physical therapy clinic is focused on a singular problem. That is not a bad thing. There is absolutely a need for that in the medical setting. If you tore a tendon in your shoulder or had a knee replacement, you need physical therapy focused on repairing that tendon or recovering from that surgery. Similarly, a fitness studio is focused solely on exercise. Again, an absolutely needed service.

What we found was a disconnect. Where is the in between? What about those of you who don’t have a “problem” to fix, but aren’t quite feeling your best? You don’t have an “injury”, but on again, off again pain has been plaguing you for years? You aren’t limited, per se, but you think twice before getting on the floor to play with the grandkids or second guess whether the hour at the driving range with friends was a good idea.  

Shouldn’t there be a place that you can go to maintain the strength you have, while also getting better? A place that helps you not have to live with the fear of how you will feel by tomorrow morning.

That place is Balanced Physical Therapy & Pilates, and it's where we help you find... well... that balance! Our goal is to help you live your life doing the activities you love, pain-free!

Every day we help active adults dealing with on again, off again pain get back to the things they love. Back and neck pain can be so frustrating. We understand the challenge of having to think twice before everything you do because you are afraid pain will come later.Our goal is to help people feel confident, strong, not afraid to move, not afraid to join the girls for active days or vacation with their active families. Live the active life that you want without the fear of what tomorrow morning is going to feel like. 

We want to curate a space where you can get the hands-on rehabilitative work that you need to decrease pain, the exercise you need to move better, and the caring, calming atmosphere to make sure you also feel better. 

In the past two years, Balanced Physical Therapy has been able to provide stellar care in a one-on-one setting, focusing on treating the whole human. While we will always continue to offer that service, we are so excited to be able to expand to offer Pilates as well. 

We will offer group classes, such as Mat Pilates, Restorative Pilates, and Bootcamp Pilates. Rehab Pilates is the newest concept and the next level add-on we are most excited about. Rehab Pilates is an equipment-based Pilates class, taught by a doctor of physical therapy with a capacity of 4 participants per class. This smaller group class size allows our knowledgeable instructors to customize your experience and provide hands-on modifications as needed. If you are looking to add more movement into your day while making sure your body is cared for, Rehab Pilates is a great option! It is perfect for people of all ages and experience levels, as it is designed to cater to your specific needs and goals.

The vision is in place. Our mission is clear. All we need now is to finish the physical space! Our new clinic space (located at 3315 Springbank Lane, Suite 309, Charlotte NC) is under renovation. To those who have already visited the new location, thank you for bearing with us through this time - and if you have not yet made it to the new clinic, we look forward to welcoming you soon!

Once it's complete, we'll be holding a Grand Opening event to celebrate our new space with all of you! Stay tuned for an invitation with more information on the date and details coming soon!


Mat Pilates


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