Stop believing “I just have a bad back”

Have you had on again, off again low back pain for years? Does it feel like your back muscles are always tight? Are you suffering from sciatica or sciatic nerve pain? Has your doctor told you that you have a herniated disc, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, or lumbago?

Far too often back pain is accepted as a normal part of life, and our mission at Balanced Physical Therapy is to change that. Back pain relief while getting you feeling better and moving better is always the goal. Far too often, we hear “I just have a bad back” or “I am going to always have back pain.” Lower back pain does not need to be part of your everyday life.

Sciatica, a herniated disc, and sacroiliac joint dysfunction are all examples of common conditions that can be treated through physical therapy and maintained through movement. 

While we are happy to assess any injuries, our physical therapy team specializes in back pain and neck pain treatment.  During an initial evaluation, you will meet with a doctor of physical therapy to discuss your injury or pain, talk about the activities you want to return to doing pain-free, assess your movement. Your physical therapist will work with you to develop a treatment plan to help you feel better and move better once again. 

Are you looking for at-home ways to decrease your everyday pain? Be on the lookout! Coming soon, we will have a Pilates for Low Back Pain video and more in-person classes and workshops. Make sure you are subscribed to the Balanced Buzz, our monthly newsletter, to stay up to date on all the new releases.

Remember, “I just have a bad back” does not need to be part of your story.


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